Healing Hill perserves historical past and blends with 21st century needs for learning and innovation
Sunflower Foundation moved their headquarters in 2021 to the former home of the Menninger Foundation. The project involved preserving [2] existing buildings and creating a new structure that would connect the two buildings. This new Nonprofit Center today is known as “Healing Hill” The interior design goal for this project was to preserve the historical past and blend it with the 21st century needs for learning and innovation.
Topeka, KS
Architect / Designer
Architect: Schwerdt Design Group, Inc. | Interior Design: Built Interior Construction
MCP Group
built works.
The Nonprofit Center offers state-of-the-art meeting and conference space, a soon-to-open shared workspace environment that will promote collaborative learning and partnerships, and additional resources that support the needs of nonprofits, charitable organizations, and public agencies whose work aligns with the foundation’s mission.
Inspired by the concept known as social purpose real estate, in 2015, Sunflower Foundation purchased 13.5 acres of land near Wanamaker Road and Southwest Sixth Avenue that formerly was the home to the Menninger Foundation (1959-2002) and the Security Benefit Association (1892-1954). The foundation renovated and restored two century-old buildings on the property that today serve as the anchors of the new Nonprofit Center, from which the foundation will build on its own legacy work while honoring the rich heritage and innovation of Kansas’ health care pioneers.
- Sunflower Foundation - www.sunflowernonprofitcenter.org
Clear Tempered Glass, DIRTT Timber
Curvilinear Frame Profile